Easter Sunday

Toward the dawn, Mary Madalene and the other ladies were on their way to Jesus’ tomb.  They wished to finish embalming His body for proper burial according to their customs.  There was a great earthquake, and an Angel came from Heaven and rolled back the stone of the tomb.  The Angel told them, “Jesus is not here, He is risen”!  The tomb was empty, and our Lord had indeed risen from the dead, just as He said he would (Luke 18:33).  Christ’s resurrection proves that: He is the Son of God, His doctrine is the truth, that God the Father accepted His sacrifice for the redemption of the world, and that all believers in Christ will rise to eternal life.  He is the firstborn from among the dead (Colossians 1:18).   Before emerging victorious from the tomb, Jesus descended into Hell.  Not for further suffering, but to proclaim His victory (1 Peter 3:18-19).  Then on that glorious morning, He came forth from the tomb, proving for all eternity that he was the ruler over death and had defeated it as promised by His Word.  Often we don’t emphasize enough the glory of the resurrection as we should.  It is another crown of glory earned by our Lord, and the assurance of our resurrection.  May the joy of Easter remain in our hearts always, for He is risen!  He is risen indeed !!  Alleluia!!!