
This Sunday’s Readings:  Second Sunday after Epiphany, January 19th
Isaiah 62:1-5
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
John 2:1-11                  

Next Sunday’s Readings:  Third Sunday After Epiphany, January 26th
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
1 Corinthians 12:31b-13:13
Luke 4:31-44

Trinity First Sunday Fellowship: Trinity LWML will be hosting coffee, snack, and fellowship following service the first Sunday of each month. Please join us in the Welcome Room following service.

Bulletin Announcements: Contact Amanda in the office by email or phone for any weekly bulletin announcements, including but not limited to accomplishments of students you wish to share with our congregations, birthday/anniversary card showers or parties, or upcoming community events.  

Remind Notifications: Remind is a free, safe, and simple messaging tool that helps us share important updates with everyone. To receive messages via text: text @c83311 to 81010. Or to receive messages via email: send an emails to . Contact Amanda in the office if you have any questions or need assistance signing up

I-Pad/Digital Organists needed:  If you are able, or would be willing to learn how, to run the I-Pad for Sundays we don’t have an organist please contact the church office.